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The global demand for cement-based infrastructure over the next thirty (30) years is staggering. Figure 1 details the expected daily requirements. 


According to the Center for Climate Integrity – Shoreline Restoration costs (or as they are otherwise known as seawalls) are expected to be in the billions of dollars in the US.


A SonoAsh engineered superior, uniform particle size engineered product contributes to building the necessary coastal defenses low lying cities will need to hold back the rising water.


Ultra-high-performance concrete’s (UHPC) strength, low permeability, and high abrasion resistance make it suitable for corrosive and harsh environments such as underground utilities, marine structures, hydro-electric dams, and major infrastructure builds.


The states most at risk due to rising water are listed here on the right. Florida at the top at 76 billion, Louisiana 38 billion. North Carolina 35 billion, Virginia 31 billion, and Maryland at 27 billion (all estimated) to be significantly in need of funding to help protect the shoreline.


A current example to put this in perspective is playing out on Staten Island, New York. 


By 2025, New York's Staten Island will be fortified by a towering seawall expected to cost $615 million with $400 million being covered by federal funding.


It is running 5.3 miles along the coast, an engineering feat designed to ward off the growing threat of ever-increasing storms.


With a population of almost half a million, low-lying Staten Island was no match for the waves whipped up in New York Harbor by Hurricane Sandy in 2012, one of which reached a record 32.5 feet high.


Considering the devastating impact of Hurricane Sandy which caused 53 deaths and $19 billion in economic losses, an expensive but effective seawall can prove a wise long-term investment.

Figure 1
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