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Neil is a retired partner of Ernst & Young Consulting, and a member of the Institute of Certified Management Consultants of British Columbia. He has direct ash marketing experience as a former board member of Mineral Solutions (now a LafargeHolcim company).   Neil also has extensive technology founding experience through several public and private companies and over 40 years of management consulting and Directorship experience in several resource industries, including base and precious metals mining.  Specifically, he is a Founding Board Member of Quadra Mining Ltd. and RTDS Technologies Ltd. Quadra was a mid-tier copper-gold mining company until purchased by KGHM in 2013 for $3B USD. RTDS is the world’s standard for Real Time Digital Simulation in the electric power industry.


He holds a B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering) from the University of Manitoba and as an Athlone Fellow, obtained his Master’s Degree in Operations Research and Management Science from Imperial College in London, UK.


Bruce has founded several materiel technology companies. Over his nearly 25 year career, Bruce has a proven track record in creating value around diverse opportunities such as urban mining from electronic waste, carbon-based nanochemistry in power and metal applications, basalt fiber composites for military applications and specialty paints and coatings.  


He is currently on the board of directors of four companies, each involved in materiel technology development.  Bruce holds a BSc. (Chemistry) and Master of Engineering (Chemical) from the University of New Brunswick.



Claudio is the Principal Engineer and inventor behind the SonoAsh concept, the Research & Development, and all ash beneficiation patent procurement. Claudio’s decade-long development of commercialized applications for the low-frequency acoustic technology is the heart of SonoAsh sonochemical intellectual property and detailed process design.  He holds degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and is an Engineers Canada Fellow.  


He is the recipient of awards including UBC 2016 Faculty of Applied Science Dean’s Medal of Distinction, the 2014 Engineers Canada Meritorious Achievement Award for Professional Service, 2018 UBC Alumni Builders Award, and the 2013 UBC Alumni Award for Community Service.  He is led and co-author of numerous patents applied internationally.  


Over more than 25 years, Claudio has worked throughout North America, Mexico, and Albania on technology commercialization projects in major resource sectors such as power, pulp & paper, wastewater treatment, contaminated soil remediation, heavy oil upgrading & tailings management, hazardous waste incineration, nano chemical coatings, metals extraction & recovery and cellulosic ethanol. 


Brad brings 20 years of Sales and Business Development experience from the Enterprise Software and Mobile Applications services industry.  He is a veteran of several successful Bay Area technology companies and recipient of many awards for developing and executing creative and solution oriented go to market strategies. 


Brad has led sales teams at Sun MicroSystems, Oracle and Motorola Solutions. He has proven specifically successful building partnerships with diverse strengths that combined provide unique solutions not otherwise possible. Over the past few years the necessity for next-generation clean technology to address the local environmental and larger carbon footprint issues created by fossil fuel power generation has arrived front and centre.  As a result, today, formerly change hesitant heavy emitting industries like steel, cement and coal power business eco-systems are beginning to respond to local and global environmental pressures and seek new technologies, strategies and mitigation opportunities.   


The recruitment and coordination of sponsorship from local, state and federal governments and agencies, partnerships with national laboratories, universities and the world’s largest environmental services companies are required.   Brad focuses on these activities and building the off-take partnerships for the matrix of SonoAsh waste to value products.  


Ian is an award-winning television producer with 16 years of television media experience. At SonoAsh, he is responsible for the SonoAsh digital presence as well as developing and implementing effective communication strategies and tactics for a variety of audiences. His role focuses on market research, writing, editing, and executing the production of various relevant communication materials including industry video presentations, executive presentations, corporate announcements, news releases, backgrounders, fact sheets, web pages, and advertisements.


Ian plans and manages various events and productions for internal and external audiences and tracks corporate issues through media monitoring. He establishes and maintains media relationships, responds to media enquiries, and develops proactive, integrated media relations and PR strategies, ensuring standard key messaging/talking points are consistently created with team members.


Promoting the SonoAsh message of environmental liability reduction, clean closure of coal ash impoundments, reduction of GHG emissions in the cement industry as it relates to climate change, carbon credits and markets, and a SonoAsh engineered product for high performance concrete infrastructure materials are all part of his mandate.


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